Paying it forward

Dear lovely readers,

I haven’t blogged for a while and I thought I would check my “stats” before bed and I have a little confession, I am a little bit incompetent when it comes to technology, I know how to tweet, post and share but that’s it and I actually didn’t know my blog site has a spam box and I just looked in it and I have HUNDREDS of wonderful supportive and encouraging messages of fantastic feedback from you guys.
Thank you so much and I’m so sorry I never responded, I didn’t know you were there….
My favourite comments were of those who said “You must be a famous blogger”, awww it made me chuckle because I literally write my blog in a “note” on my iPad, copy and paste and post! No science to it, I (obviously) don’t even spell check! I just enjoy sharing how I feel and hope somewhere I inspire something positive in someone or at least make someone feel like they are not the only one feeling how they do.

Reason I have been absent for a while is because I’ve been working on creating a better structure in my life and making a specific dream of mine come through which I will share in due course..

There are a couple of things I would like to pay forward…
I made a new friend who is a retired financial advisor and the first time I met him, the first thing he asked me was whether I have a will/ testament and he told me what would happen to my daughter and my affairs if I suddenly died without a will in place. Catastrophic! I urge anyone (with kids especially) to get a will.

Second bit of advise (I know this is not my style, I prefer to share a story and let you take from it what you like, rather than “advise” but I feel strongly about this….)
Get rid of people in your life who make you stressed, unhappy, are unreliable, negative, draining or any variation of the fore-mentioned.
This is YOUR life! Live it for you (and your children).
The buttons “block” and “delete” have becomes my friends on my phone. I don’t enter in a discussion about it, I don’t have hard feelings about it, I just do whatever I have to do to protect myself and my daughter and therefore, having anyone around me who tells me I ‘can’t’ do something, is no longer welcome in my life.

I am on a mission to be the best mom I can be to my daughter and with that comes a responsibility to mankind to unleash onto the world, an educated, elegant, compassionate lady who is a believer! Believer that she can do and be anything she wants, and with ‘compassion’ comes a care for those around us and the combination of both potentially benefits society as a whole.
And to be honest, whether I succeed or not is irrelevant. Because I cannot control the outcome but I can do my best to be a good role model and anyone who brings forth any self doubt has to go.

There is no blueprint to life, if there was, everyone would be a rock star, a president or a millionaire…. If the doubters were true friends (or family) they would allow you to be who you are, especially if you aren’t hurting anyone.

You know how many times I have heard from family members “what are you going to do with your life?”
Interesting right? I am 30 years old and that question alone is constructed to make me doubt whether I have done anything at all in the last 30 years that has been worth while! I’ve won awards, traveled the world, been married, have a wonderful baby, I am happy but still “what are you going to do with your life?”
Years ago I would thinks of ways to answer that so in their eyes I was not a waste of space or a failure and in the last year I found a new realisation:
1) I don’t even need to answer, I owe you NOTHING
2) look at the person who is questioning you! Would you want to be them? And look beyond their house and car, because most people don’t own a thing, it’s all financed! Are they happy? They can’t be, because happiness is contagious. If you are happy, you don’t sit there and think of ways to make people doubt themselves. If they are going to have any input, the happy person will want to help you be happy too…
3) Block! Delete! The time and energy it takes to listen and answer, I could spend that blogging and getting hundreds of positive comments who inspire me to do more and be more. Isn’t this a better use of my time?! What could you rather be doing?

The final little life lesson I have had recently that I would like to pay forward is PAY ATTENTION

Example, sometimes you may be sitting with a hot guy or girl and all you’re thinking about is how amazing it would be to kiss them, but you’re not listening to the shit that’s coming out of their mouth! Close your eyes and listen to them, if you truly heard them you would be telling them to “hit the road, Jack! And don’t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more!”
If, after listening, you still want to have ‘a good time’, that’s fine (we’ve all been there) but don’t cry tomorrow when they already warned you that they are no good for you! But you were checking out their ass instead of paying attention to their actions and words…

Also, if you are a complainer, pay attention to who you are complaining to.
Like skinny people complaining about their weight to people who are twice their size. Insensitive!
Another example, a friend of mine who used to be quite well off: He spent 7 years as a hands on dad and he is a wonderful father, but due to financial hardship he had to get a job and complains all day every day that he doesn’t get to pick his son up from school every day anymore and how he hates working and one day I had enough of it and I said: how many people get to be there every day for the first 7 years of their kid’s life without needing to work to pay the bills? Not many! Be grateful you had that! And you are so selfish to tell me this story because at least your boy has a mom too and a sister. My daughter only has one parent and I have to provide for it all and be emotionally balanced to be great parent too. Get some perspective, grow some balls and be grateful! (He doesn’t talk to me anymore, I don’t know why)

Would love to write more, but a have little girl who is standing ready with her whisk asking if we can make pancakes now…. Until the next time…

Have a wonderful Sunday. xx

And some of you asked how you can communicate with me. Please add me on Facebook I think it’s or /officialrachelritfeld
Instagram is @rritfeld and twitter is @rachelritfeld


Life Lessons (Day 3: Gratitude Challenge)

1) I’m so grateful for every person who has ever let me down…

Thank you, you taught me not to rely on anyone…

2) Grateful for every heartbreak.

Thank you. You taught me that you were waaaay too important in my life…. And most importantly you taught me that I very much CAN make it without you…

3) I’m grateful to every friend who ever told me about myself.

I may not have liked it but I take it on board and no matter how fast or slow I do aim to improve myself.

4) I’m grateful to every person who ever told me I CAN’T do something…

Thank you. Because you saved me so much valuable time….
I deleted them from my life because they are not the kind of people I want to surround myself or my daughter with.

If you want to give me anything, give me a solution not a problem!

Gratitude challenge (day 1)

This is quite fun.
I was nominated for the “gratitude challenge” by my dear cousin Mireille Liong who is such a phenomenal woman. She has a website called and inspires millions of women to embrace their natural beauty… Check it out.

As part of this gratitude challenge I have to say 3 things grateful for every day for 5 days…

I think focussing your mind on what your grateful for gives great perspective. And it’s an exercise I encourage to everyone.

I do this with my daughter every night before bed, we list everything we loved about our day and discuss things we can improve on tomorrow and take a moment to just feel the love….

I will share the first 3 things Rosalia and we always say to each other or I say to her before sleepy time:

1) I’m so grateful I get to be your mommy. I love being with you and I’m grateful for the love we share

2) I’m so grateful for our beautiful home, that we are safe in our home, that it’s nice and warm and full of happiness

3) I’m so grateful for the healthy food we eat to nourish our beautiful bodies and keep us healthy and strong

She usually adds her own things she is grateful for (she is 4 years old).

The other day she said: mommy I’m so grateful for the nice music we get to listen to like “who dat who dat? I’m that I-G-G-Y” and “H-H-Town I’m coming coming down!”


There are no obstacles…

….Only opportunities to learn or grow or excel to the next level…

I’m really proud of myself as a woman at the moment.

Since I decided I was ready to have a baby, which is about a year before she was born I made every effort I could to, not only, get ready for it in practical terms but to improve myself, my outlook, my surroundings etc. I wanted to be a mom she would be proud of…

Everything I didn’t like about myself I consciously worked on to improve…

I say improve and not ‘change’ because I don’t think anything human just changes from one day to the next… It’s something that’s constantly evolving and the more I learn the more I want to improve…..

For example I used to suffer from depression and I haven’t been depressed since my experiences in Australia (please refer to previous blog “the story of John”) and I know I will never be depressed again…. I may not always have great days but depressed to that extent is a concept of the past… It was quite a journey to get to this state of mind, but it is still a decision I make every day…. It requires maintenance, inner maintenance, emotional maintenance every day!

Every day I have to practise “perspective” in the sense of: yes I strive for X, Y and Z but where I am now, in every sense, needs a moment of appreciation….
Every day I practise “self worth”: I’m not perfect and I can’t please everyone but I love this and this and this about me….
Every day I have to practise “courage” and appreciation for it:
I really want to do blablabla and “this” scares me about it but…. Here I go…. And I hold my breath and do it anyway…

All these things build self esteem which I haven’t always had so much of…. But I am aware of it’s importance.

I see major changes in me in my every day approach to life… Years ago, be it consciously or subconsciously I think I would always “rely” on my partner: to help me make decisions (or decide for me), to park the car, to fix or arrange for things to be fixed around the house etc…
And nowadays I feel so empowered to not even blink and sort everything out myself….

It may seem normal and not a big deal to most people but I only learnt to drive 4 years ago so parking a big car in Central London is scary to me….
Adapt to new single status: drive small cars!

Anything that feels like a “man’s job” around the house…
Adapt to new status: I’m not gonna sit here in the dark with nothing working! Fix it!!

Going to amazing restaurants and on lavish holidays… I’ll be damned if I have to wait for a guy!
Adapt: GO! Bring Rosie! Rent a car!! Drive on the other side of the road!! Take a deep breath in and then suck up the fear!

A big one for me, I spend so much time trying to control every aspect of my life. I micro manage everything and I’m constantly researching (specifically property investments, that’s my crack of the moment). I think knowledge is power and there are good elements in this… But I need to prioritise sleep too. Health is wealth!

I was told last night by someone whose opinion I value greatly: INVEST IN FAITH. Honestly I’m thinking of getting a Sharpie pen and writing that on my wall (but my handwriting sucks so I will micromanage that and get someone else to write it…. Small steps right? 😊)

I think I have a lot of faith but it’s subtly lined with a ‘concern’ (I don’t want to admit that there’s a hint of fear, so I’m going for ‘concern’) for the possibility of getting things wrong…. I don’t want to elaborate too much on this because don’t want fuel this ‘concern’ instead I want to pump in so many positive thoughts in the hope it will diminish….

And SMILE while doing all of the above…. Nobody wants a grumpy kid or a grumpy mom or a grumpy friend.

I don’t have all the answers but I’m enjoying sharing my epiphanies with you all through my blog… Especially when some of you share your stories back…

Happy Sunday x

Instagram: @rritfeld
Twitter: @rachelritfeld
Facebook: Rachel Ritfeld official and Official Rachel Ritfeld